Wednesday, 16 August to Friday, 25 August 2023 from 08.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.
In case of bid acceptance item can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale. These include:
50 CNC machining centers, CHIRON, FZ 18;
3D measuring machine, DEA, Global B/I 071007, man. 2004;
carbide indexable inserts, various manufacturers, SANDVIK, SECO, WIDIA, etc.;
robot welding system, ABB, robot SG;
cleaning system, MOB GmbH, SKR8;
6-axis robot, YASKAWA MOTOMAN, MS80WII, man. 2014;
2 3D measuring machines, BROWN & SHARPE, Mistral 775 / Mistral-100705;
CNC lathe, MAZAK, SQT-200M;
marking laser, TFT GmbH, LSM 700;
7 CNC machining centers, CHIRON, FZ18S;
parts washing system, Abag systems engineering, P0045;
2 parts cleaning machines, DÜRR, Ecoclean 78W-KVI;
tool setting devices, ZOLLER;
automatic tool machines, GÜHRING;
hydraulic press, KINDSMÜLLER, KM6E;
milling tools, contour measuring device, hardness tester, drawer cabinets, workbenches, pallet trucks a.m.o.
Metal working machinery
Número de oferta: 17052
3er trimestre 2023
Formatos Oferta
Proyectos OnlineOn behalf of the entitled party we are selling online against highest bid the well-maintained metal working machines of the company P.C.S Machine Group Holding GmbH.
3er trimestre 2023
Usted debe haber iniciado la sesión para poder ultilizar esta función.
Acordar visita
Nenad Peric, Tel. (+49) 172 4023054, Email: peric@netbid.com