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workshop equipment consisting of hand machines and equipment of a sanitary and installation company

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workshop equipment consisting of hand machines and equipment of a sanitary and installation company

workshop equipment consisting of hand machines and equipment of a sanitary and installation company

Št. ponudba: 14606

4th quarter 2018

    Format ponudb

    Spletni projekt

    On behalf of the entitled party we are selling online against highest bid a block position consisting of hand machines and equipment of the company Sven Großmann, Rohrdesign Service

    4th quarter 2018

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    • Podrobnosti

      Viewing is possible after prior appointment by telephone.

      A sale is possible with bid acceptance!

    • Kontaktna oseba

      Nils Brinkmann Tel. (49) 040 35 50 59-190, Email:

    • Pogoji

      No cash payment possible on site!

    Posamezne pozicije k naročilu (3)

    • Posamezne pozicije skupaj (3)

    FORD Transit 2,2 KNSG21 Transporter

    78652 Deißlingen
    Št. dražbe : X14606-2

    Zaključek: 21. 09. 2018
    ob 14:15
    (28 Ponudbe )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi

    Postavka opreme za delavnico v skladu s pregledom "1 postavka opreme za delavnico"

    78224 Singen, Widerholdstr. 22
    Št. dražbe : X14606-1

    Zaključek: 15. 10. 2018
    ob 14:00
    (1 ponudba )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi

    FORD Transit 2,2 KNSG21 Transporter

    78652 Deißlingen
    Št. dražbe : X14606-2/1

    Zaključek: 30. 11. 2018
    ob 10:00
    (30 Ponudbe )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi