Sestavni del dražbe Construction machinery, trucks, construction equipment
1 Posten Heavy duty rack frame
Dražba #17198-39
Ta dražba je zaključena.
blue, approx. 8 pcs., w. four-edge protection, crossbars, number unknown, because difficult to access, defects: several years standing time
Warning, the sale is awarded under the condition that the sum of the highest bids as well as the sum of the minimum prices of the unbid items (X17198-1 - X17198-45) is higher than the highest bid attained for position X17198-100, which contains these positions en bloc.
Warning, the sale is awarded under the condition that the sum of the highest bids as well as the sum of the minimum prices of the unbid items (X17198-1 - X17198-45) is higher than the highest bid attained for position X17198-100, which contains these positions en bloc.
- 35510 Butzbach, Roter Lohweg 22
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